Spiritually, we are a people whose lives have been transformed by the truth and grace of God. While we are still a far from perfect people, we seek to help each other understand God’s calling on our lives, and to live according to that calling. We are a community marked by grace and mercy – from God and for one another.
Historically, we are one of the oldest American Baptist Churches in Rochester. We were established as a church dedicated to peace. Our long and storied history speaks to this value of peace and justice throughout the years. While we look backwards with great fondness, we believe our wonderful heritage lays a foundation for an even more prosperous future!
Denominationally, we are an American Baptist Church. We are proud of our connections with other American Baptist Churches though are committed to working with others to share the love of God in our community, in the city, and beyond.
Theologically, we are a diverse and progressive Baptist Church. While our roots may be Baptist, we are unafraid to respectfully explore diverse theological opinions and perspectives.
When it comes to our church’s personality, we are truly a multi-generational, multi-ethnic church. We have an extraordinary age range of people. It’s not unusual to see kids, teens, college students, singles, young professionals, middle aged adults, or senior adults all sitting on the same row. It’s safe to say that we draw people from all walks of life and that we represent the community in which we are located. In addition, we are intentionally multi-ethnic and rejoice in the diversity of language, culture, and religious experiences that are shared in our community.

At the Heart of Everything We Do
Statement of Identity
“Claimed by Christ…Committed to Community…Called to Serve.”
Lake Avenue Baptist Church is a Christ-centered, evolving, diverse, urban, multi-national congregation of gifted and caring people. We welcome, unconditionally, all seekers of Christ’s love and direction: women, men, children, youth; people of diverse ages, races, histories, abilities and sexual orientation. We are spiritually and scripturally-based and seek creative, meaningful and inspirational worship experiences. We are American Baptist, mission-oriented, multi-cultural, multi-lingual with a historically strong neighborhood and ecumenical commitment. We are:
Claimed by Christ: We are God’s own and are not here by chance. We open ourselves to God’s Light and Love. We look to the Bible for guidance, and we respond to Christ’s call to discipleship.
Committed to Community: As members of Christ’s Body, we affirm one another as family. We gather for worship, nurture, healing, and spiritual growth. We build an open community through respectful, caring relationships. With our denominational brothers and sisters, we uphold Baptist principles, including soul freedom and local church autonomy. We nurture strong ecumenical and interfaith ties.
Called to Serve: We respond to Christ’s call by sharing our gifts in acts of service. We embody the spirit of the Gospel in our daily lives. We reach out as a church to our neighborhood, our city, and beyond. We go into the world to do justice, make peace, and share God’s love.
Vision Statement
Founded as a “memorial to peace,” we the people of Lake Avenue Baptist Church dedicate ourselves to a future of Christ’s peace with unconditional love that welcomes all, changes lives, and creates a meaningful and powerful impact on our community and world.
Mission Statement
The people of Lake Avenue Baptist Church serve God by serving others through ministries that mold an authentically diverse faith community. We are supported in these efforts by inspirational worship, creative Christian education, intentional mission, and faithful stewardship of all our various resources.
Celebrating 150 Years in 2021
During 2021 we will be celebrating our 150th Anniversary. Keep your eyes posted for the ways in which we will be celebrating this significant anniversary.
A Short History - Click Here